National Carers Week 2023 will run from Sunday 15 to Saturday 21 October 2023.

National Carers Week aims to broaden the communities understanding of the caring role, increase carer identification and provide the community with more reasons to care about carers.

During Carers Week we recognise the 2.65 million carers from across Australia who provide care and support to family members or friends, and we celebrate the many carers across the country supporting a loved one living with MND.

We also recognise, and care about, the many young carers who are under the age of 25 and supporting a loved one living with MND.

Why is National Carers Week important?

National Carers Week is important because it is a chance to show appreciation for carers and raise awareness about the one in ten Australians that are unpaid carers. Carers make an enormous contribution to our community and the national economy.

National Carers Week is an opportunity for carers to reflect on the important role they play in the community and in the lives of the person they are caring for. The week also prompts carers to take a break, celebrate and take time to focus on their own wellbeing.

Why is Carer Wellbeing important?

Carer wellbeing is important because it reduces the risk of carer fatigue and burn out. When we prioritise our own self-care, we can better provide care and support to others.

Are you a Carer?

You are a carer if you provide unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who is living with MND. This includes physical or personal care, emotional or social support. Carers can also be young people. A young carer is a person between 5 and 25 years of age and who is connected to a person who is living with MND.

How we support Carers

At MND NSW we support carers in a number of ways. We have our Carer Program that offers regular opportunities for carers to meet online to share their experiences and support one another. These groups are called Carer Kitchen Table MND Support Groups.

We hold carer wellbeing events throughout the year where carers are invited to take a break, relax and revive.

The carer mentoring program is where an experienced carer provides coaching and guidance to support the new carer that they are matched with.

The Youth Hub is available to young carers and has a range of information about youth services and resources about MND.

Complete our online intake form if you would like to sign up to our carer program or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1800 777 175

Celebrating National Carers Week

We are holding two special Online Carer Kitchen Table Support Groups during National Carers Week to celebrate. These groups are open to carers in NSW, ACT and the NT. Attendees at groups held in carers week will receive a pamper pack. Complete our intake form and sign up to our carer program to get involved.

With thanks to Carers NSW, we are hosting localised events, including carer lunches and other activities.

Check out other events happening across the country on the National Carers Week website

Free movie tickets for Young Carers

In the lead up to National Carers Week, and to celebrate the event, we invited Young Carers who reside in NSW to go to the movies with a friend or family member.

With thanks to Carers NSW, we issued $300 worth of e-gift cards to young people accross NSW to enjoy a special day out.

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