Palliative Care Australia has developed a mobile app, AllowMe!, to assist people to create a community of care around a person at the end of life. AllowMe! supports communities to care for people with a serious illness by making it easier to help in practical ways. Carers and care recipients can list tasks, events and visiting times to provide suggestions of how people can assist.

Key functions:

  • Suggest tasks – carers can suggest practical tasks that their community can complete to help. Examples include: Grocery shopping, running errands, picking up a family member from school, providing a meal, mowing the lawn, or walking the dog.
  • Create events – carers can keep track of events and medical appointments and request assistance from the community where required.
  • Visiting times –  communities can see when is a good time for people to visit and who else is going.
  • News – community members can post updates for everyone to see.
  • Medication List – Carers and care recipients can list their medications and set reminders about dosages and timings.
  • Journal – Carers and care recipients can privately record their thoughts and feelings to track their emotions.
  • Resources – dedicated resources to explain what is palliative care, the dying process, ways to support each other, grief, and pain.

Palliative Care Australia has developed this app with the support of nib foundation. Available in the App Store or get it on Google Play or more info here

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