8 August 2024 is dying to know day. If you haven’t already undertaken proactive planning for your future care and documented your choices for end of life, now is a good time to do it.

Everyone should undertake advance care planning regardless of age or health. You might even feel a sense of empowerment and peace of mind knowing the people close to you know your wishes.

What is Advance Care Planning?

Advance Care Planning is preparing for future decisions about what matters most to you and the medical care you choose to accept. It involves meaningful discussions with your loved ones and with your health and care workers.

Advance Care Planning is important because it helps ensure you receive the care you want and reduces unnecessary anxiety and stress for yourself and your loved ones. Sometimes, families are asked to make decisions, and this can cause worry and concern if wishes are not known.

Documents to have in place

Advance Care Directive

An Advance Care Directive is a document that grants you choice and control over your medical care should you not have capacity to make or communicate your decisions. An Advance Care Directive is legally binding and cannot be overridden.

Superannuation binding death benefit form

Complete this form with your super provider for the best chance that your support will be given to the person you want.

Enduring Guardian

An Enduring Guardian can make decisions about where you live, the services you receive, including healthcare, medical and dental services. They are legally appointed and can only make decisions when you are unable to.

Enduring Power of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal representative appointed to manage financial and legal matters on your behalf in the event you are unable to.


A Will is a legal document with instructions regarding inheritance and your estate. It may include instruction about the care of children amongst other things.

Do you have preferences about your funeral or send off? Write them down!

This will be more important to some people than others. Give your family piece of mind knowing everyone is on the same page with your preferences, have a conversation and write down your wishes – they might even come as a surprise to your nearest and dearest!

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