
As carers, we often spend a lot of our time looking after others and sometimes we forget or don’t prioritise time to find out what supports are available to us.

And although we can sense an eye roll and a mutter of “who has the time” coming from the lips of any carers reading this article, we urge you to throw open the metaphorical gates and make the time to access support.

Read on to find out what support is available.

Carers NSW,is the peak body non- government organisations for carers NSW. Theydeliver a series of fabulous free webinars for carers and service providers. Click here for more information and register your interest.

We recently attended one of these webinars and it was all about Carers Gateway which is an Australian Government initiative. Carers Gateway is available to carers throughout Australia with the services listed below delivered by different local providers, including Carers NSW in some parts of the state.

Thank you to Carers NSW for generously allowing MND NSW to share this information with MND carers!

Carer Gateway provides a national service for carers that is delivered regionally. It aims to improve carer health and wellbeing.

There is one website and one phone line, with single pathway available to support carers.

Early intervention and crisis support to carers is the focus.

Online/phone-based services

  • Phone counselling
  • Information and resources
  • Carer forum
  • Self-guided coaching
  • Skills courses

In person services

Carer support planning

All carers who wish to use the service of the Carer Gateway Service provider must go through the Intake, registration, Needs Assessment and Support Planning process. Exception: when carers are seeking basic information provision and emergency respite.

In Person Peer Support

  • free facilitated peer support forums
  • structured sessions
  • learning from peers through sharing of lived experiences
  • Opportunities to create a self-sustaining group

In Person counselling

  • Free counselling service
  • Up to six sessions
  • For carers experiencing stress, anxiety or depression as result of their caring role

Emergency Respite Care

  • Designed to support carers experiencing an urgent, unplanned or imminent event
  • Carers can bypass the full assessment in the case of an emergency
  • Access to emergency respite will be available out of office hours

Tailored Support Packages

To assist you in your caring role, you may be able to get FREE:

  • Services or equipment to help with your education such as tutoring, educational supplies or training courses
  • Planned respite, where a service provider steps in to take care of your family member or friend while you take a break
  • Cooking and cleaning services
  • Assistance with shopping or
  • Transport, to help you do things such as attend medical appointment or shop

Click here for more details about support packages

In- Person Carer Coaching

  • Free individual coaching service for carers
  • Build skills and resilience in your caring role


  • Anybody who provides personal care, support and assistance to a family member or friend with a disability, medical condition, mental illness or is frail aged.
  • Primary carers and carers in crisis will be prioritise for some kinds of support.
  • Excludes people who provide care under a service contract, as a formal volunteer or as part of a training course
  • Eligibility for Carer Gateway services is not connected to the services that the person you care for receives or is eligible for.

For more details contact or call 1800 422 737

Monday – Friday 8am-5pm for general enquiries

24hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency respite.

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