During our recent Care for Carers Program in Gladesville, three former carers came along to speak with the group about their personal experiences of caring for their partner with MND. Many thanks to Dianne, Philip and Colin for coming along to share your experiences. It was so valuable for the course participants to have the opportunity to hear these personal insights about what contributed most significantly to enhancing their quality of life as a couple, as they adjusted to living with MND. Each of these former carers spoke about the social and practical benefits gained by being willing to accept offers of support and involvement from their family, friends and personal community. Some other life-enhancing suggestions included:

Thank you to the wonderful team at Quakers Hill Veterinary Hospital. This is the fourth year they have held a fundraiser for MND NSW. This year's event included a raffle and the sale of MND NSW merchandise, raising just over $3,000. Thank you to everyone who supported this wonderful fundraiser and to Quakers Hill Vets for their ongoing support.

The 'Help Can MND' trivia and auction night fundraiser was recently held in Bathurst in support of MND. A donation from the event of $10,000 was made to MND NSW to be used for much needed equipment for our members with MND. A big thank you to everyone who organised and supported this event. Pictured from left are Anthony Campbell and Janine Graham.

We were thrilled to be the recipients of the 'Round Up to Make a Difference' program during the month of June from Officeworks in Kotara. Amanda Dean, the Store Business Manager, coordinated the event and was very happy to let us know that the Officeworks Kotora team had raised $2,891.55 for MND NSW. A big thank you to Amanda and team, and to everyone who so generously donated. Pictured is Eileen O'Loghlen from MND NSW (at left) receiving the donation cheque from the Officeworks Kotara team.

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