
Our MND Hub hosts a range of courses on topics related to MND which are suitable for people living with MND, their family and friends and health and community care professionals. All courses, including MND Aware, are free for people living with MND and their family.

Visit the MND Hub

Delivered by our MND Advisor team either in-person or via MS Teams, the 1-hour in-service is available without cost to any organisation supporting a person who is living with MND and who is accessing our Advisor program. Understand what MND is and learn about MND symptoms and symptoms management strategies. Contact our education team for more information.

Members of our Special Interest Group (SIG) are invited to attend the bi-annual SIG Workshop. The workshop provides a forum to update, expand and gain knowledge about MND for health and community care professionals. It is also an important networking event and an opportunity to meet others involved in the care and support of people with MND. Complete the SIG application form to receive a quarterly newsletter keeping you up to date about MND, and to receive your invitation to the next SIG Workshop.

MND Aware is a comprehensive course about MND. It is available online on the MND Hub or we can deliver it in person at your organisation for a negotiated cost.

The course is suitable for all types of learners, easy to use and interactive. It has been specifically developed for health and community care professionals including:

  • community, home care, disability, and aged care workers
  • intake and referral staff
  • care coordinators and case managers
  • health, allied health, and palliative care professionals
  • volunteers, pastoral care workers and others who work with people living with MND

The course equips learners with a basic understanding of the disease and the impact it has on an individual's life, their families and friends, and it prepares them for when they do meet someone with the disease. MND Aware also provides specific information about care, symptom management and wellbeing, and support needs of a person with MND. 

Find out more about MND Aware on the MND Hub

MND Upskill for Health Professionals

Explore the complex nature of MND and MND symptom management. Have the opportunity to apply your professional experience during workshop exercises and explore the various types of Alternate Augmentative Communication (AAC) available for hire from our FlexEquip equipment library. This session is suitable for health professionals from all disciplines. 

Register nowMND Upskill for Health Professionals

MND Upskill for Carers

This session is for informal carers who are family members and friends of a person with MND and for formal (paid) carers, including support workers and in-home home care workers. Learn about what MND is, symptoms and symptom management strategies. Understand the importance of manual handling, pressure care and communication aids and practice using some of the equipment available for hire from our FlexEquip equipment library.

Register now: MND Upskill for Carers