
Treatment options that slow progression of the disease are currently limited and there is no cure. The rate of disease progression varies depending on the type of MND and from person to person. There are ways to manage the symptoms of MND and to improve quality of life.

Supportive interventions including support from a multidisciplinary care team, good nutritional care, respiratory care and taking riluzole, for those who are eligible, can result in better outcomes for people living with MND. Riluzole is a medication avaliable in Australia for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, including progressive bulbar palsy) - the most common forms of MND. Multidisciplinary care is a term used to describe coordinated input from a range of health and community care professionals. Find out more about these supportive interventions on the Information and Publications About Managing MND page of our website.

Costly and unproven therapies for MND are often advertised on the Internet or may be recommended by well meaning people. It is important to discuss the likely benefits of any unproven therapy and the risk of side effects, adverse events or life-shortening effects with your GP or neurologist.

Researchers are developing and trialling other drugs that may slow down the progression of the disease or combat some of the symptoms. Visit the MND Research page of our website for more information.