Today started with a cow, randomly running through our campsite; always gotta be on your toes around here! Once we were on the track and ready to trek, it was goodbye to The Sacred Valley, and hello to the Happiness Bridge Valley! For the first part, our legs felt just that; happy! But soon enough the continuous incline/decline started, and well, happiness was probably no longer the ‘go to’ word from our legs’ perspective!

Australia's MND March of Faces Banners are a photographic display of people with motor neurone disease. The MND NSW March of Faces banners are displayed at various MND awareness raising and remembrance events throughout the year. Our MND March of Faces Banners 18 and 19 were displayed for the first time during MND Week 2017.

This morning we left Cusco city early, and the comfort of our hotel, flushing toilets and civilisation! After a windy, hilly drive, we stopped at a stunning lookout, looking down into the Sacred Valley from a very different direction than that of yesterday. The first thing we all noticed was the significant drop in temperature, with snow capped mountains in the distance, wondering just what we’d signed ourselves up for! Our ne...xt stop was one we were not anticipating on the morning we were to commence The Inca Trail, for the next stop was at a pub!

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