MND NSW e-news April 2017
The MND NSW e-news April 2017 edition was emailed to members and subscribers on 10 April. You can read this edition here. Get the e-news delivered your inbox by subscribing to the MND NSW e-news.
The MND NSW e-news April 2017 edition was emailed to members and subscribers on 10 April. You can read this edition here. Get the e-news delivered your inbox by subscribing to the MND NSW e-news.
MND Health Professionals and Researchers do you need funding to attend a MND training course, conference or seminar in Australia or overseas? Why not apply for a Nina Buscombe award? Courses, conferences or seminars must have content that will help to improve the quality of services, management or research for people living with motor neurone disease. Awards are made to individuals and more than one Award may be offered.
Suitable technology, costs, complexity, time and ownership are some of the areas of voice banking and message banking being explored by a team of UTS Business students from UTS Shopfront Community Program working with MND NSW to help people living with MND make choices about communication options.
Walk to d’Feet MND Hunter has always been our biggest Walk and the Hunter didn’t disappoint again this year. Hundreds of participants turned out to show their support for people living with MND on Sunday 26 March. What a great morning it was, with plenty of sunshine and lots of family groups, teams of friends and supporters.
MND NSW was chosen as the Charity of the Month by Woolworths Head Office in Bella Vista. Throughout March, various fundraising events were run with $6,221 being donated to the Association. A big thank you to Megan Moore who was the coordinator of the events, and to the staff at Woolworths Head Office for their generosity.