The medication riluzole, which is often prescribed to people with motor neurone disease, is now available in liquid form under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Riluzole is anti-glutamate medication that appears to block the release of glutamate from nerve cells (neurones) and for people with the most common forms of MND it probably prolongs median survival by two to three months (median is the mid-point – half those taking riluzole have survival prolonged by more than two to three months). 

Teglutik® (riluzole) a liquid formulation (for ease of swallowing or use via PEG tube) of riluzole, distributed by Seqirus (Australia) Pty Ltd, is now listed on the PBS under the same prescribing conditions as Rilutek™ and APO-Riluzole. 

To get your first authority prescription for riluzole you must be diagnosed with the ALS form (including PBP) of MND by a neurologist, have had the disease for five years or less and meet several other criteria. Your doctor needs to provide your date of diagnosis and information about your forced vital capacity with the first application. Subsequent prescriptions may be issued by your general practitioner.

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