
So what is happening with education for people living with MND, their family and friends and for the service providers now that our face to face sessions are suspended?

With changing times we now have an opportunity to deliver our education programs in a different way and has opened the way for innovation in ensuring everyone still can access information when they want it. We are now working to have many of our education and carer programs available as on demand online versions.

These will all be available via our online learning platform, MND Hub.

This includes Information sessions for those who have been newly diagnosed with MND, bereavement events, Living well with MND days, MND Aware and our “Ask The Experts” forum that was scheduled for July.

So far, the MND NSW Information package for new participants is the first cab off the rank this year. This can be accessed right now.  This online package is designed for people with MND who have been recently diagnosed, their family and friends. There is a small fee to access the package (this is the nature of our Learning Management System), but we do provide a discount code to allow people living with MND and their families to access free of charge. To find out more the link is here

We will be adding online learning to MND Hub over the coming weeks and months so keep an eye out. 

MND Aware online has been up and running for over 12 months on MND Hub, with over 180 health professionals accessing this course.

This online course of 26 modules can count towards the allied health professionals’ CPD education points and at only $60 it is well worth it. This is one of our flagship education courses, so if you know of any health professionals or care workers who’d like to increase their knowledge on MND please direct them here. There is a free preview too

We are also very grateful to our three 2020 MND ‘experts’ who have agreed to virtually present and that will be available for viewing online in July. You can read more and watch previous “Ask the Experts” events here.

We are also running virtual ‘catch up’ sessions for carers. These are advertised on our Facebook page. If you are interested in joining these informal gatherings contact Kate Maguire at . More information can be found here.

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