Advance care planning is all about ensuring you receive the care you choose should you be unable to communicate your preferences or make decisions. National Advance Care Planning Week is the perfect time to share what’s important to you and to make your choices matter.
In NSW, an Advance Care Directive can be used to clearly record choices. Many people find this gives them, and their loved ones, peace of mind knowing their decisions about the medical care, treatments and interventions they accept, or decline will be upheld.
Each state and territory have different rules and processes around recording choices. Advance Care Australia has information relevant to each state and territory on their website, including the relevant planning documents.
We understand the importance of undertaking advance care planning early for people who are living with MND, and we are available to support you with information and guidance. If you would like to speak with someone about advance care planning, you can contact your MND Advisor.
National Advance Care Planning Week runs from 17-23 March 2025. You can make your advance care plan at any time.
Visit the Advance Care Planning Australia website for information about:
- The advance care planning process
- Storing the documents
- Being a substitute decision maker
- Life prolonging treatments
- Advance care planning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
- And more.